Be the Cause


The first activity station people encountered during the Walk for Hope was the “Tree of Forgiveness,” where they could anonymously write messages expressing its meaning on a white ribbon which was then tied to a tree. The ribbons themselves became the “leaves” of that tree. They were filled with sorrow, joy, relief, hope, humor, love and anger. They can resonate with anyone who reads them. Below are just a few of the hundreds of messages left by walkers that day. The ribbons of those who had expressly indicated that they do not want their messages posted have been omitted.

Forgiveness is to never place blame and to always have an open heart…

Life goes on so forgive!

Without forgiveness the world would be full of hatred.

Letting go. Let it go so you can grow!

Forgiveness is the opening place of all change in the world and in each individual.

Forgive all humans for destroying the earth.

I don’t want to…but, I forgive you DAD.

Forgiving is truly giving…once you choose to forgive, you are giving the best gift of all.

I forgive myself for leaving and lying.

Forgiveness — is when someone hurts you; you can wish them the best & happiness through it all.

I forgive myself for not being perfect, and trust that I’m living my purpose.

Forgiveness is not letting our mistakes overshadow our efforts and good intentions.

I forgive my dad for being away from home. FORGIVE!

I release the past and make space for my future.

Letting go enough to forget it even happened.

Forgiveness is coming to terms with your decisions.

I forgive those who have caused me heartache.

I forgive people who are less detail-oriented.

I forgive my sister.

To Betty – forgiveness is the hardest part of love.

I am trying to forgive George Bush.

I forgive all my friends who have turned their backs on me.

I forgive myself for the choices I have made that hurt others. I forgive all those who hurt me.

Forgiving will heal me and help me move on.

The first stage in forgiving is accepting.

I’m finally starting to let go.

I forgive the pickpockets who stole all the money in my wallet an hour before I was going to propose to my fiance.

I forgive the cop who gave me a speeding ticket.

I forgive myself for any pain I’ve caused others. Progress is not perfection.

I forgive my sister & brother for not walking with me today!

Forgiveness is accepting the person no matter how bad they treat you.

I forgive you for not responding to me. I seek forgiveness if I hurt you.

I’ve forgiven myself for hating someone & blaming them for the death of my sister. (I’m not mad anymore)

I forgive myself for all the unloving thoughts I have had about myself.

To forgive means freedom of adversity.

I forgive myself for when I treat my son with anger. I forgive my father for when he treats me with anger.

Forgiveness is letting go of the sadness in your soul and feeling completely free.

I forgive those who fail to take any action to help those in trouble.

I forgive you. I forgive me. Let’s be at peace.

I open my heart in forgiveness, shine love in the face of anger and forgive you!

I forgive you for taking advantage of me when I was weak. I forgive myself for not…

Those who forgive move on with life — those who don’t, they always live in the past.

Sis — I forgive you, let’s move on….

I forgive my brother.

I forgive you for your anger.

Forgiving you takes the burden off my shoulders and begins the healing…

I forgive myself for taking too long to “get it.”

I forgive all those who broke my heart and made me bitter. I can’t carry this Lose Weight Exercise forever.

Forgiveness is a chance to make things right, it is not amnesia or delusion regarding the past.

Wanting things to be okay.

Forgave my father for abuse.

I forgive nicotine….

Forgive someone who does not know their actions have caused you pain. Holding it against them will do no good.

I do not forgive, but I accept what you’ve done. And that is the first step.

Forgiveness…releasing the right you have to be angry over an injustice without surrendering the offer & hope for change.

I forgive you for not taking the chance and then regretting it.

I forgive myself for holding the bitterness in my heart.

I forgive myself for every wrong decision made and for not always loving those who hurt me.

I forgave myself for breaking the heart of a good woman unintentionally.

I forgive myself for placing judgment upon others instead of appreciating everyone for their unique beauty.

I forgive the Republicans.

It’s not all about me!

Forgiveness is understanding the intention.

I forgive you with the hope that whom I hurt forgives me….

I ask for forgiveness for being cynical at times; not believing in the best of people and being reminded of this fact.

Forgiveness is a release of toxic energy.

In my own experience, it is not worth it to live on hating or being mad. Just get over it and live in peace. Forgiving someone is good not only for the other but fo’ yo’ self.

I forgive myself for believing me imperfect.

Forgive! I am still working on it. Forgiveness will give freedom to the world!

I forgive my mother, but I don’t have to let her abuse me.

I forgive him for lying and I forgive him for breaking my heart for it made me stronger in the end.

Forgiveness is love given twice: 1. First to accept the other’s fault; 2. Second to restart anew with that person.

I forgive myself for not figuring it out sooner. I forgive myself for not being as disciplined as I think I should be.

I forgive my dad for not treating my mom the way she deserves.

I forgive you for not being strong.

I forgive myself for repeatedly making the same mistakes.

I forgive the young man that crashed his car into our tree last night.

I forgive God.

I forgive the human unconsciousness for violence.

Forgiveness is taking what someone has done to you and instead of persecuting or isolating them for it, you try to understand and love.

I forgive Europeans to the atrocities committed against African people.

I forgive my boss.

Forgive George Bush. He did not know what he was doing.

I’m going to pray for that person & myself that we find happiness in our hearts.

Even though you are gone forever I forgive you. For a long time I was mad. But now I realize everything you gave me and no one is perfect. I love you and thank you.

Letting go, one day at a time. I’m trying, everyday. Sometimes I wish I could just stop caring. I’m sorry too.

I forgive myself for treating my body badly.

Forgiveness means remembering that others feel pain too, that others grow and change, and through it all we all strive to become better people.

Forgive me for not having the courage to say this to you in person, but I’m sorry. And I have already forgiven you.


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