Want to be a part of the Walk For Hope?
There are many different ways you can be involved.
Make a Quote
Can’t make the date? Create a quote from your own inner artist.
Both the directions and the quotes can be found here: http://tinyurl.com/wfhquotelist
Need materials to make the quotes? Contact Walk@Bethecause.org
Be a Part of our Core Planning Team
Want to put a personal touch on the Walk? We’re always looking for new volunteers who share our point of view. Come to our meetings, get to know us. We are rather nice people. Be a part of that appeals more towards your gifts and interests. Interested contact Walk@Bethecause.org
Volunteer at the Walk
Don’t have time to be a part of the planning? Volunteer at the walk for a few hours. Bring your friends and family! Volunteers will work in shifts so they will be able to participate in the Walk.