Be the Cause

7th Annual walk fastly approaching!

And I couldn’t be happier about it!

The other day we were asked in a group what the Walk for Hope meant to us. I was feeling stunned…by the many feelings of hope, compassion, inspiration that this walk brings up for me.

All I could say was: I’ve been a part of about 4 walks and I Heart Be the Cause. Sounds lame…I know.

What I really wanted to say is words that you and I know…from the heart that can’t always be expressed easily. I could write a poem about Walk for hope. I could write a letter to the world that would wrap around the universe 200 to the second power times. I could jump up and down on a trampoline 30 million times and that maybe wouldn’t express…how very much this walk has added to my life and the lives of others.

It is beautiful…how friends, volunteers, family have come together and celebrated “hope” and all that is good.

It is a celebration of life and a deep connecting to all that draws us close in this world. I can’t wait to see the giant quotes along the walk path. I can’t wait to see all the booths and the people talking and musicians singing and…just everything!

One of the best things is seeing a whole bunch of nonprofit friends in one place….in a beautiful park!

I plan to be there at 4:30 in the a.m. to do my bit to help out. I pray we all get up in time and…oh…there’s no telling how this one will affect me.

By the way, my mom….who Jigar kindly termed “Team Mom” will not be able to make it this year, but sends her love to everyone!

The walk is fastly approaching! And there’s no better time for a walk of this magnititude to grace my life and everyone’s….

Peace peace peace…namaste….ayubowan….I honor you. You honor me. We are free.


Awareness Monologues

What I love about Be the Cause is that these aren’t just service projects.
Of course I want to help other people, but ultimately I am the one who benefits the most.

We’re beginning to plan our Awareness Monologues where the format is similar to the Vagina Monologues but in this case our topic is domestic violence.
We just had our first meeting and when Supun read aloud the domestic violence checklist, in my head I was thinking check, check, check, check check check and check.

Immediately I said to myself don’t be dramatic. Every relationship is going to have problems. No one is perfect. I was never locked in a closet or beat with a golf club, unlike someone I know. It was never like that. Sometimes things happen, but I was never one of “those girls.”
I’m not trying to say I know better than them– its just that I would know, or I think I would know, if it was happening to me, right? I would know the difference, I hope.

When does a crappy relationship become domestic violence? A few of us will be going through a 40 hr domestic violence training course in preparation for this event. I know that whatever we learn will help us put on a really great, meaningful show, but more than anything else, this is for me. This will help ME define that line so that I have no doubt when it’s being crossed. For future reference.

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