Be the Cause

Be the Cause visits Orphanage Casa De Paz orphanage in Mexico

Casa De PazFor 12 BTC volunteers, ending 2008 could not have been done in a better way than visiting the children of the Casa de Paz (House of Peace) orphanage Baja California, Mexico. Spending four fabulous, action-packed days with 46 children of all ages and developmental abilities taught the BTC team that unconditional love, persistence, frienship and faith are just around the corner. The children and the staff of Casa de Paz demonstrated that to live in brotherly love, one merely has to open one’s heart and live each moment to the fullest. Despite the fact that Casa de Paz is in serious danger of closing its doors this year, they experience each moment as a child does: with wonder, excitement and intense curiosity about what’s around the corner. Despite the loving environment at Casa de Paz, the fact remains that there are serious economic pressures threatening the sustainability of the home. To help keep the doors of Casa de Paz open, please feel free to make a donation: Please indicate if you would the like the funds to got to Casa De Paz.

See the pictures:

See the video on a play the kids put together:

More information on the next Be the Cause Service Vacation to South Dokota:

Thanks and stay tuned for a future Evening of Awareness on our trip!

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