Be the Cause

Corazon De Vida Fundraiser for Casa De Paz (orphanage in Mexico)

This last December, Be the Cause volunteers went on an adventure to Mexico to help out at an orphanage.

First of all, this wasn’t like some previous service vacations…where we travelled to South Africa and Sri Lanka…and got to have a 2nd summer! :) My guess is it was cold…brrrr.

I’ve seen pictures from this service vacay and the pictures of the kids and the volunteers are absolutely precious!

Much like the pictures…the event at Vegan Village this last Saturday night (Valentine’s Day) was precious as well. It’s no accident that this event fell on Valentine’s day night…a day of heartful surrendering and embrace.

And no, I’m not always sold on Valentine’s day because of the hallmark card celebrations that come from it…and more consumerism…but it does have its charm. Some people would say if you’re with someone in relationship, it’s glorious, but I don’t necessarily believe that is the case. Every relationship can have it’s tough spots…nothing is always “coming up roses”. What is special about Valentine’s Day actually to me…is the commitment to love…even on this day when love is all around-basically in your face! It really should be like this all year round (I could do without some of the annoying balloons and such popping up everywhere)…but it is an opportunity to love unconditionally or at least try to…and do one’s best at sending out some vibes of heartfulness…and sometimes we boycott V day all together, but the next one always is a surprise. And thus is life…a surpise…and something to embrace.

What I loved about this event though is it was titled: “Reviving the heart..”. And right now I’m thinking about children…they don’t really put walls up against love…or Valentine’s Day. They give from their heart…even if they don’t receive back what they want…and this is what this Valentine’s day at “Vegan Village” reminded me of…

There’s an innocence we all have inside us about love…

It’s not sarcastic, downtrodden, or disappointed..

In actuality==the true feelings of love are very pure and soulful…like a flower in nature, a smile of a child.

I really was happy how this event focused on that heartfulness and when every volunteer from trip went up to the stage to talk about the service vacation…to Mexico, this innocence was reflected in their faces. All I saw was hope, excitement, and radiance :)

The evening consisted of a Vegan Buffet, poetry, musical performances, and volunteer/community sharing.

There also was dancing upstairs to live DJ which of course was fun, but the heart of the evening for me…as far as the connection to the service vacation was when the sharing about the trip took place. I was going to make it to this event–no doubt about it. I carpooled with friends from South County and although it was quite a bit of driving and we arrived an hour after event began, I was overjoyed to be there with my volunteer friends/family.

I’m always mystified…how these service projects unite everyone on such a deep, global level. It is truly inspiring and for this I am so thankful.

A salute to Corazon De Vida volunteers for making the trek to Mexico one day after Christmas/holidays, and celebrating and making yourself present for the children. They need us and we need them. This world is smiling…for all the efforts, and love you sent out to these special ones! :)

Houston Delivers

On Thursday, January 22nd, Be the Cause volunteers in the Houston area dropped off Toiletries and Hygiene items to the Healthcare for the Homeless – Houston program (HHH). The drive began towards the beginning of December and simply by getting the words out to their friends, putting up boxes around the Baylor College of Medicine and posting the collection sites on the web, supplies started to come in.

From what was donated, HHH was able to distribute 90 Hygiene Kits.

Below is a letter from the Director of Volunteer Services at HHH and a few pictures of the items.

Dear Maushmi,

How wonderful of Be the Cause to do a “Toiletries+++ “collection for Healthcare for the Homeless-Houston again this year– the third year! I am so sorry that we didn’t have our camera available when you and Naz delivered everything. We did come up with one for Friday afternoon, though, when three of our wonderful volunteers responded to my call to come help get everything packed into kits and boxed, labeled and placed so that our providers can have easy access to get the things out for our patients as soon as needed.

We made up about 90 hygiene kits with a wide variety of items. As a few of the items ran out, we turned to packing and labeling things by type to be visible and usable for single item selection in the clinic storage areas. I sent an e-mail to all of our providers to let them know what bounty is to be found. Just from my limited observation point, I am already aware of numerous things being put into the hands of our patients. We are ALL so appreciative!

I have included a couple of photos of the volunteers assembling hygiene kits Friday afternoon. Thank you for making this possible!




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