Be the Cause


The first activity station people encountered during the Walk for Hope was the “Tree of Forgiveness,” where they could anonymously write messages expressing its meaning on a white ribbon which was then tied to a tree. The ribbons themselves became the “leaves” of that tree. They were filled with sorrow, joy, relief, hope, humor, love and anger. They can resonate with anyone who reads them. Below are just a few of the hundreds of messages left by walkers that day. The ribbons of those who had expressly indicated that they do not want their messages posted have been omitted.

Forgiveness is to never place blame and to always have an open heart…

Life goes on so forgive!

Without forgiveness the world would be full of hatred.

Letting go. Let it go so you can grow!

Forgiveness is the opening place of all change in the world and in each individual.

Forgive all humans for destroying the earth.

I don’t want to…but, I forgive you DAD.

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