Be the Cause

What lies behind us and lies before us are small matters compared to what lies within us. – Ralp Waldo Emerson

(Below are comments from guests of the Seva Cafe on 11/11/06 regarding the above quote)

What matters is now, and what you are doing today to make tomorrow a better place and learn from the past! Make a difference now!!

What happened yesterday does not matter to other than what I learned or gained from the experience of the day & how it enriched my soul.

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Seva Cafe – Nov. 11, 2006

(Below are comments from guests of the Seva Cafe)

I wanted to express the overwhelming feeling of love & joy I felt here. I think this is such a good idea to help restore love and kindness in a socirty that has become more & more violent, hateful, and curel. I knew that “good” people still existed, but I didn’t know where to find them. Now I do Thanks for the enriching experience.
Love, baby Anna Belle & Mommie Krish.

Very nice place! Food is great! I like the idea of this cafe, We had a great time!!

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