Be the Cause

Seva Cafe Comments – Nov 25, 2006

Comments from the Nov 25th Seva Cafe in Long Beach:

This was my first time at the Seva Cafe and it was amazing how I could feel the warmth and love from the moment I walked in – I could see it in the faces of the volunteers, and taste it in my food that was lovingly prepared.  You do a beautiful thing here, you have no idea how coming here has brightened my day, and I hope I can share that beauty with other people I meet.  Thank you so much.

Thanks again for the wonderful service you guys do for the community.  I think it is absolutely amazing what you guys do.  You make anyone who sits down in the Cafe feel welcomed & comforted.  I hope you continue to provide this service.  DEEP WITHIN EVERYONE IS SOMETHING BEAUTIFUL THAT NEEDS TO BE SOWN.. WHAT YOU HAVE HERE IS BEAUTIFUL… THANK YOU :)

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Find the seed at the bottom of your heart and bring forth a flower – Shigenori Kameoka

Below are what guests had to say about this week’s quote:

Be the source of your own passion.  Take the necessary steps towards acheiving your dreams because no one else is going to realize them for you.

Everyone of us has goodness inside.  Sometimes it just takes some looking in, finding what’s there, and pulling it out.  Love is the opposite of Fear.  With fear we remain closed, with Love we are Free.  With Love we extend outward, we reach inside and give our hearts away with open arms.

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