South India Tsunami Fund – The First Step. This email was sent out on Dec. 28th, 2004
Dear Friends,
I write to you in response to the tragic disaster caused by the earthquake near Sumatra, Indonesia. As we have all heard by now, an enormous amount of lives have been taken. The current number I have heard is around 50,000 people. You may be wondering why I am writing to you. Ironically, I am set to go volunteer in India on Jan 2nd, 2005. As a physical therapist, my plan was to go to Calcutta at the Mother Theresa Orphange and Ram Krishna Mission Hospital for two months This would have been my second trip to India to volunteer. Since I was a child I have always had a desire to go back to my country and help the people. But now I am in a dilemma, how can I go to Calcutta… when there is a greater need in South India? I strongly feel that I need to go to South India. So many people, so much to do. I am raising funds to take to India. With this money, I will either join hands with a local organization in South India to provide relief, or just walk into the streets and beaches and provide whatever needs require immediate help. It can be as simple as buying a bag of flour to make Chappatis or buy blankets.
I leave in a few days, so this will be a Pledge process, based on a honor system. Meaning, you can email me your pledge, and I will take my personal money to cover it. Then send a check made out to “Karuna Patel” ( please write in the “for” section, South India Tsunami Fund) and mail it to my house, which will be deposited in my account.
I am not a non-profit organization, so this is not an offical “fund” and there will be no tax deduction. But I guarantee you that your money will touch those who need it the most, with none of it going to adminstrative costs. ( I pay for my own expenses of travel and food). For those that have no clue who I am, I am just a person to whom service provides a great deal of happiness and peace. I have been a volunteer with Be The Cause for about 2 years now. I was also the Service Coordinator for the South Africa trip on which 17 of us just returned from. But please note, that Be The Cause is in no way tied to this trip to India, just by spirit.
If you have questions, please feel free to email me. Your donation is much appreciated, and will provide a moment of comfort to those whose lives have been torn apart.
Your checks can be mailed to:
Karuna Patel
13400 E. Garvey Ave.
Baldwin Park, CA 91706
c/o Karuna Patel
for: South India Tsunami Fund
Thank You for All Your Support.
Karuna Patel