Be the Cause

Beautiful Letter from Sukh’s Father

Dear Sukh & Seventeen Saints,

Thank you very much for sharing your day- to- day activities in South Africa through BTC Blog. We have been following your tour right from the Compassion Cell at Shahida’s house to the your last day in Durban.

Capetown, cleaning & fixing of orphanage, playing & dancing with street kids, breathtaking scenes of nature, Cape Point where Indian Ocean meets Atlantic Ocean meet, swimming with Penguins, Vicki’s Bed & Breakfast, HOKISA orphanage, HIV/AID affected children, Christmas party, Africa compassion cell, Lean On Me, digging around Rocks in the garden, we read all those with blurry eyes. You rightly wrote that there aren’t words to describe all the feelings.

Tour of Robbin Island by ex-prisoner guide and singing of National Party’s Afrikans National Anthem was the true example of Tolerance and Forgiveness.

You ‘Seventeen’ are truly blessed and Chosen by Heavenly Father to spread His message of Peace, Kindness and Compassion in South Africa and in turn to the Universe. You emptied your bags full of gifts for children and brought back bags full of amazing overwhelming experiences and wonderful memories.

When you come back after spreading vibrations of Divine Love, we wash your feet with our tears and give you welcome of Red Carpet, woven in the threads of Thanks.

Warm Regards,
Tarlok Singh

National Kite Flying Day

My niece and I

My Neice, the neighbors on their terrace trying to fly kites, and the beautiful sunset in Navsari, Gujurat

Jan. 15th is National Kite Flying Day. Banks and schools are closed. Kids wake up early in the morning and fly kites on the terrace of the house. It is a day full of fun. The goal is to “cut” another’s kite, when so you yell “lapaaateee” on the top of your lungs to let others know you have done so. Sometimes the kids just have fun trying to collect the kites that fall, especially if they are pretty ones!!!

I even learned to fly a kite for the first time in my life. It was loads of fun. Of course, their were not many girls trying, but we didn’t care… she wanted to learn and I was willing to help her…. it was the blind leading the blind.. haha. We would take turns climbing on top of the roof to give the kite a “jump” so we could fly it. Ummm.. our flying time was about 7 secs max. But its okie… at least no one cut our kite :).

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