Be the Cause

Kuala Lampur

Hey All,

We are in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. A few of us went out to the city while the rest of us took a much needed shower!!! Now we are at the airport getting ready to board for our flight to Ahmedabad, India. Kuala Lampur is very hospitable and friendly. The city is very green and lush. It is extremely humid out here!!! We are just discussing how beautiful the local people are here.

We will soon be in Ahmedabad with Manav Sadhna. Thanks for being a part of our journey.

Sukh [and Lanie and Kristeen]

PS Lanie and Kristeen are flattering me right now. They definetely need sleep!!!

Taipei, Taiwan

So after a 14 hour flight, we have finally landed in the International Airport of Taiwan. A bunch of us have been sneaking around the airport trying to escape, but they won’t let us out of the airport. We figure we would honestly say that we visited Taiwan only after breathing its fresh outdoor air. After a few trys we were thwarted by the authorities. Be the Cause definetely leaves a mark everywhere we go.

Instead we snuck into a VIP lounge to get some free internet access. We love international travel!!!

We are all doing good. Some of us jetlagged, some of us ready for the next leg of the journey, but all of us ready to do something good with our lives. Everyone is healthy.

Our flight to Kaula Lampur boards in a few minutes. We stay there for about 7 hours before making our way to Ahmedabad, India. More later!

Life is good.

Sukh and Supun
Be the Cause Tiawan Division :)

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