Be the Cause

“From the vision come the people”

Fourteen Black Paintings

by Peter Gabriel

From the pain come the dream
From the dream come the vision
From the vision come the people
From the people come the power
From this power come the change

Times of India Article

AHMEDABAD: This Christmas, they are on a mission to ignite hearts. Nirali Shah, a 27-year-old documentary filmmaker from Los Angeles seemed to be having the time of her life as she clipped nails and bathed a group of underprivileged children in Ramapir no Tekro, a slum in Ahmedbad.

A little further down in Naranpura, a group of five US-bred youth including 15-year-old Brittany Tesimale slogged it out, giving the dreary walls of Gandhinagar Municipal School Number 2 and 4 a makeover.

A group of 16 young foreigners, including NRIs, have come to Ahmedabad for a ‘service vacation’ from December 19 to 31 where they aim to earn happiness this festive season by leaving a smile on the faces of others.

Their visit has been co-ordinated by a US-based non-profit organisation ‘Be The Cause’ and NGOs like Manav Sadhna, Samvedna and Utthan.

On Sunday, far away from their homes, these young people have planned a sumptuous feast for over 700 children, including those from city schools and slums. “My mom was not happy with me leaving home for Christmas but I was upbeat.

It is time we expanded our families and included all humans and lived as one big family,” says Caroline, 32, an administrative assistant in LA.

Half the team comprises foreigners from the US. Interestingly, this team has come with a purpose to cleanse their body and minds also has another objective — to inspire. “I am happy that we are also inspiring the youth here to wake up and take charge.

For instance, when we started picking up trash in Tulsinagar slums, the youth of the area promptly pitched in and promised to keep the area clean,” said Kristeen Singh, a 27-year-old human resources student.

“It is time the youth are weaned away from the culture of taking to the culture of giving. Only then they can shape the world of their dreams,” said Sukh Chugh, a finance whiz who chucked his job to found ‘Be The Cause’

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