Be the Cause

Walk for Hope Quotes

The year the Walk for Hope is different for many reasons.  Each year we place inspiring quotes along the walk route, this year we decided to add as much love to that process as possible and make each quote hand-drawn.  What’s more is that volunteers from all walks of life, from all corners of the world are helping in create these works of art. 

Some of the quotes are coming from David, who is starting a Be the Cause chapter in Kansas.  Some are coming from Maushmi who heads up the chapter in Houston.  Some are being made at Magnolia Lyceum, a school for young talented at-risk youth with enormous potential.  … and some are being made in India, either by the children supported by Manav Sadhna, the founders of the organization, or from some of the dedicated staff that make all the Manav Sadhna work happen. 

To register for the Walk or for more information, please visit

Below are what some of the quotes look like:

dsc03927.jpg  dsc03930.jpg  dsc03931.jpg  dsc03934.jpg  dsc03939.JPG

Seva Cafe Comments… from India

As many of you know, the Seva Cafe in Long Beach was inspired by the original Seva Cafe in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India.  Our partner in service from across the seas, Nitesh Jain, will be sending us updates from the original Seva Cafe.

Here are some comments that were added recently to the comment book in India:

I am speechless about this restaurant. Beyond a miracle – the most amazing spectacle of personal dedication that I have ever witnessed with my own eyes in my life. Love to all who work on this ‘great project’     
– Prashant Shah

It was really great experience for having food with ‘Seva Café’ family. It seems like my dream comes true. 
-  Jitendra, Hema Patel

Food at ‘Seva Café’ seems like having food at my own home. Atmosphere I found was same as my home.I really love it.  
– Unknown

Seems like having food in any new world.    
– Unknown » Read more

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