Be the Cause

6 of us returned home today from Sri Lanka-London…

Some of us travelled back to the states today…twenty plus hours in the air…plus a night layover for Jason, Anna, Supun, Shwetha, and I in London! Sonali had to leave for U.S. right after we arrived at Heathrow Airport…it was hard to say goodbye to her. She gave and did soooo much, with Supun to create such an amazing adventure, service opp. in Sri Lanka! I’ve never been to London, UK until now. We got to experience the Tube “Mind the Gap” subway system and got to roam around in downtown area and meet Supun’s childhood friend…also named Supun for dinner at an Italian restaurant. It was cooooold…compared to Sri Lanka’s balmy, humid, rainy weather. We walked by one area and there was a premiere of Sweeney Todd and star crossed fans were waiting for this fabulous actor I’m sure you’ve heard about: Johnny Depp (Be still my heart). We tried to wait and see him on the red carpet, but had to move on. It was nice to transition to London for some reason. Everything was very eye catching…and some franchise stores we know such as Nike Town, etc, but it felt really exciting and invigorating to me…the weather and the travelling on the tube, and exploring around. A few of us went back to the hotel and were kinda nodding off on the tube…I was kinda worried we’d all fall asleep and miss our stop. Some of the crew went to go check out Buckingham Palace. Of course we all missed Sri Lanka and fellow volunteers: some still in Colombo and some who are going to India to Manav Sadhna and to see family.

While travelling in the airplane to London, some reflective thoughts emerged for me. I was thinking about where fearful thoughts get people…nowhere. Fear breeds more fear and creates and accelerates war, confusion, and terror. We’re all guilty of feeling fear here and there throughout our lives…but this quote entered my mind throughout the plane ride: “Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway”. I feel for myself, I’m fairly fearless…but my mind tries to talk me out of a lot of things, and if I feel people are concerned about me regarding travel, serving in dangerous places or the like: I try and appease them and almost take in their worry as my own…when my original thought/choice comes from a place of peace. I think sometimes I ask a ton of questions because my mind wants to clarify and compartmentalize information, and can just say whatever’s on my mind-eeksville…sometimes this is beneficial, sometimes not. But what’s interesting is how it’s the heart that wins out…it felt safe in the wisest place in me to travel to Sri Lanka. I knew we’d be protected from harm.

The other day, Sonali took some of us shopping. We at lunch at this Cricket Club restaurant. There was something that took place like a few blocks away from us…some bomb scare. It wasn’t quite clear what had happened…I think we felt a bit on alert, but I felt still calm and not worried in my heart…of course, again…my mind/ego wanted to ask all types of questions and find out exactly what happened. I kind of wish I had a Sri Lankan newspaper right now to find out the details…but I can look it up online. While we ate, I felt a bit distracted…and I think mostly because of some sadness I felt…that there’s this turmoil going on in some areas of Sri Lanka and in other countries. In London, our cab driver (to airport this morning) mentioned some tension between Muslims and other residents in London. To me, it feels trivial…this kind of struggle between peoples…it just needs to end…the racial profiling, fears, miscommunication, and misrepresentation…but I’m just a visitor en route, so listened a bit to the cab driver’s complaints about London and listened in earnest, but also some objectiveness and I felt this shock inside the core of me…wondering why so much anger has to surface here and there ongoingly throughout our world…

And then I thought of our service vacation and the pride and warmth in my heart for all who were on this service trip and all of you who held down the fort while we were gone…I thought of service and what a gift it brings others and ourselves. I’m in awe–remembering some of the crew sorting and handing out school shoes to children at a Tsunami relief camp, a few getting into a tuk tuk (rickshaw) to take a boy to a doctor…who fell on his head while playing ball, connecting and working with kids/teachers in Lunugamvera and Mahasena.

The compassion we all experienced could make anyone dizzily happy with love brimming over…comparable to the many cups of tea we drank.

And regarding the volunteers…the compassion/kindness to each other was tangible…whether it occurred by someone giving up a seat for someone else, sharing snacks, giving a high five, hug, looking out for each other..with a smile and kind gift: either by actually gifting an object to pass on or keep…or just amazing gifts to the children, people we met on our roadtrip adventure of light and hope.


Here we are in Lunugamvehera! We’ve been serving at a beautiful school for 2-5 year olds. Sonali’s aunt told us about this project. The teachers would like the kids to learn more English and the teachers would like to teach the kids more directions in the classroom.

Christine and Jason prepared fun games, songs for the students. At first, we weren’t sure if this would work with the students and teachers since it’s a Montessori School that we’re at and there’s already a set routine for classroom activities/learning.

The first day, we were pretty much the entertainment for the students. There was an agenda that we prepared…and we worked from there. This age of students is squirrely in any nation. I’ve substitute taught for students of these ages in the states…and yes, they have tons of energy! The difference I would say with these students…there seemed to be a higher need for assistance in some ways…with the English and with connecting with more adults. Since we’re in a rural village, there is a limited number of teachers, but everything is so well done! Some of us volunteers were laughing because of the high numbers they’re already working with…

I’m so impressed with how every btc volunteer is stepping up and taking on a role: whether it be leading a song, activity, outside game,etc. We’re having a lot of fun as well: being silly on the busses. Yesterday, we saw a beautiful, huge temple worship ground. Our interpreter for the teachers and students, Dinesh took us there. The teachers live very far from the school. They walk about an hour away every morning. Last night we were working/teaching them English until dark. They still wanted to walk home. It was too late for others to pick them up. We drove them home in our bus with our bus driver, Silva. It was interesting to see how far they lived and how much more rural it was…even compared to the school.

Just a note of observation: Big bugs here! Like two times bigger or more compared to what we see in U.S. We sleep in Mozzie (mosquito nets). Raj found a praying mantis the other day…and was carrying it around for kids to see today…they were intrigued, but I’m sure they see these bugs daily…this is such a natural environment…all creatures, vegetation embraced…

I’m feeling that peacefulness come over me when on a service vacation…lots of activities…but inner happiness emerging and this excitement to take in everything I see: the trees, the green, the people, the kids, the food…Sudi brought us back some water lilies to eat our food on the other day.

We go to Sigiriya soon…but Ella first…I think we get to sleep in Tree houses and there are waterfalls.

I think we will all miss the kids…and the sweet, smiling teachers, staff.

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