Be the Cause

Mr Hyphen Goes Seva

Last week I met up with “Mr. Hyphen”, Robin Sukhadia, in Downtown Los Angeles.  After an hour of inspiring conversation on how he left his corporate job to pursue his dreams he finally turns on his tape recorder and starts firing off questions about the Seva Cafe.  I’m not quite sure why he needed the tape recorder, considering that he himself has performed at the Seva Cafe in India, and considering that he views his entire life as a gift to others. 

He actually took the time to transcript our conversation and post it on his highly esteemed Mr Hyphen Blog:

By the way, if you missed it, Robin was awarded the Mr Hyphen Pageant title a few months ago after razzling the audience with his looks :) , his involvement with Project Ahimsa, and his life story.  Robin is currently pursuing a MFA in world music at Cal Arts and his Graduation Recital is on April 13th.  Check out for more info.

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